Последствия конфликта вокруг сектора Газа после двухдневного перемирия - РИА Новости, 25.08.2011
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Последствия конфликта вокруг сектора Газа после двухдневного перемирия

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Израильские военные самолеты на рассвете в среду нанесли авиаудар по автомобилю в городе Рафах на юге сектора Газа, в результате которого погиб один человек, еще двое получили ранения.

© REUTERS / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa Palestinians check the damage to a car after an explosion in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip August 24, 2011. A member of the militant group Islamic Jihad was killed in a car explosion in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday that Palestinians said was the result of an Israeli air strike.
Последствия авиаудара израильских ВВС по Газе
Palestinians check the damage to a car after an explosion in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip August 24, 2011. A member of the militant group Islamic Jihad was killed in a car explosion in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday that Palestinians said was the result of an Israeli air strike.
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© REUTERS / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa Palestinians carry the body of militant Ismail Al-Asmar during his funeral in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, August 24, 2011. Israeli air strikes killed Al-Asmar, the local commander of the Islamic Jihad militant group in the Gaza Strip, on Wednesday and wounded two militants who launched rockets at Israel, despite a two-day-old truce, Israeli and Palestinian officials said.
Последствия авиаудара израильских ВВС по Газе
Palestinians carry the body of militant Ismail Al-Asmar during his funeral in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, August 24, 2011. Israeli air strikes killed Al-Asmar, the local commander of the Islamic Jihad militant group in the Gaza Strip, on Wednesday and wounded two militants who launched rockets at Israel, despite a two-day-old truce, Israeli and Palestinian officials said.
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© REUTERS / Amir Cohen A firefighter extinguishes a car that was hit by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza and exploded in Kibbutz Yad Mordechai August 24, 2011. Israeli air strikes killed two Gaza militants, one a local commander of the Islamic Jihad group in the Gaza Strip, and wounded four others who fired rockets at Israel, despite a two-day-old truce, Israeli and Palestinian officials said.
Последствия авиаудара израильских ВВС по Газе
A firefighter extinguishes a car that was hit by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza and exploded in Kibbutz Yad Mordechai August 24, 2011. Israeli air strikes killed two Gaza militants, one a local commander of the Islamic Jihad group in the Gaza Strip, and wounded four others who fired rockets at Israel, despite a two-day-old truce, Israeli and Palestinian officials said.
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© REUTERS / Amir CohenAn Israeli soldier is seen at the scene of a rocket fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza and exploded in Kibbutz Yad Mordechai August 24, 2011. Israeli air strikes killed two Gaza militants, one a local commander of the Islamic Jihad group in the Gaza Strip, and wounded four others who fired rockets at Israel, despite a two-day-old truce, Israeli and Palestinian officials said.
Последствия авиаудара израильских ВВС по Газе
An Israeli soldier is seen at the scene of a rocket fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza and exploded in Kibbutz Yad Mordechai August 24, 2011. Israeli air strikes killed two Gaza militants, one a local commander of the Islamic Jihad group in the Gaza Strip, and wounded four others who fired rockets at Israel, despite a two-day-old truce, Israeli and Palestinian officials said.
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© REUTERS / Ibraheem Abu MustafaPalestinians check the damage to a car after an explosion in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip August 24, 2011. A member of the militant group Islamic Jihad was killed in a car explosion in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday that Palestinians said was the result of an Israeli air strike.
Последствия авиаудара израильских ВВС по Газе
Palestinians check the damage to a car after an explosion in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip August 24, 2011. A member of the militant group Islamic Jihad was killed in a car explosion in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday that Palestinians said was the result of an Israeli air strike.
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© REUTERS / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa Relatives of Palestinian militant Ismail Al-Asmar mourn during his funeral in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip August 24, 2011. Israeli air strikes killed Al-Asmar, the local commander of the Islamic Jihad militant group in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday and wounded two militants who launched rockets at Israel, despite a two-day-old truce, Israeli and Palestinian officials said.
Последствия авиаудара израильских ВВС по Газе
Relatives of Palestinian militant Ismail Al-Asmar mourn during his funeral in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip August 24, 2011. Israeli air strikes killed Al-Asmar, the local commander of the Islamic Jihad militant group in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday and wounded two militants who launched rockets at Israel, despite a two-day-old truce, Israeli and Palestinian officials said.
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