Южные районы Аргентины под слоем пепла вулкана Пуйеуэ - РИА Новости, 08.06.2011
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Южные районы Аргентины под слоем пепла вулкана Пуйеуэ

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Облако вулканического пепла от извержения чилийского вулкана Пуйеуэ достигло юга Бразилии, а в некоторых районах южной Аргентины из-за рассеянного в атмосфере пепла закрыты школы и приостановлена работа правительственных учреждений.

© REUTERS / Ivan Alvarado A member of the media walks along a road covered with ash from Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano chain near the Cardenal Samore border pass between Argentina and Chile, June 7, 2011. The volcano, dormant for decades, erupted in south-central Chile on Saturday, belching ash over 6 miles (10 km) into the sky, as winds fanned it toward neighboring Argentina, and prompted the government to evacuate several thousand residents, authorities said.
Пепел вулкана Пуйеуэ в Чили
A member of the media walks along a road covered with ash from Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano chain near the Cardenal Samore border pass between Argentina and Chile, June 7, 2011. The volcano, dormant for decades, erupted in south-central Chile on Saturday, belching ash over 6 miles (10 km) into the sky, as winds fanned it toward neighboring Argentina, and prompted the government to evacuate several thousand residents, authorities said.
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© REUTERS / Chiwi GiambirtoneAn aircraft belonging to Austral with ash on it from Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano chain remains stranded on the tarmac of the sky resort San Carlos de Bariloche in Argentina's Patagonia June 6, 2011. A volcano dormant for decades erupted in south-central Chile on Saturday, belching an ash cloud more than 6 miles (10 km) high that blew over the Andes and carpeted the resort in neighboring Argentina. The eruption in the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic chain, about 575 miles (920 km) south of the capital, Santiago, in Patagonia also prompted Chilean authorities to shut a heavily travelled border crossing into Argentina. Chile's government said it was evacuating 3,500 people from the surrounding area as a precaution. Officials said the volcano was spitting molten rock, but there was no visible lava flow.
Пепел вулкана Пуйеуэ в Чили
An aircraft belonging to Austral with ash on it from Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano chain remains stranded on the tarmac of the sky resort San Carlos de Bariloche in Argentina's Patagonia June 6, 2011. A volcano dormant for decades erupted in south-central Chile on Saturday, belching an ash cloud more than 6 miles (10 km) high that blew over the Andes and carpeted the resort in neighboring Argentina. The eruption in the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic chain, about 575 miles (920 km) south of the capital, Santiago, in Patagonia also prompted Chilean authorities to shut a heavily travelled border crossing into Argentina. Chile's government said it was evacuating 3,500 people from the surrounding area as a precaution. Officials said the volcano was spitting molten rock, but there was no visible lava flow.
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© REUTERS / Ivan AlvaradoСемь других аэропортов в Аргентине закрыты, как минимум, до 9 июня. В результате регион Патагония, объединяющий приграничные районы Аргентины и Чили, оказался почти полностью отрезан от остального мира.
Пепел вулкана Пуйеуэ в Чили
Семь других аэропортов в Аргентине закрыты, как минимум, до 9 июня. В результате регион Патагония, объединяющий приграничные районы Аргентины и Чили, оказался почти полностью отрезан от остального мира.
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© REUTERS / Ivan AlvaradoВ Аргентине закрыты некоторые автострады.
Пепел вулкана Пуйеуэ в Чили
В Аргентине закрыты некоторые автострады.
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© REUTERS / Ivan AlvaradoНекоторые участки дорог в Аргентине покрыты также пемзой.

Пепел вулкана Пуйеуэ в Чили
Некоторые участки дорог в Аргентине покрыты также пемзой.

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© REUTERS / Chiwi Giambirtone Road graders remove ash from a volcano in the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano chain, 100 miles (160 km) to the west, in the Argentine resort city of San Carlos de Bariloche June 7, 2011. The volcano, dormant for decades, erupted in south-central Chile on Saturday, belching ash over 6 miles (10 km) into the sky, as winds fanned it toward neighboring Argentina, and prompted the government to evacuate several thousand residents, authorities said.
Пепел вулкана Пуйеуэ в Чили
Road graders remove ash from a volcano in the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano chain, 100 miles (160 km) to the west, in the Argentine resort city of San Carlos de Bariloche June 7, 2011. The volcano, dormant for decades, erupted in south-central Chile on Saturday, belching ash over 6 miles (10 km) into the sky, as winds fanned it toward neighboring Argentina, and prompted the government to evacuate several thousand residents, authorities said.
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© REUTERS / Ivan AlvaradoThe front gate of a ranch covered in ash from Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano chain is seen in the mountain resort of San Martin de Los Andes in Argentina's Patagonia region June 6, 2011. A volcano dormant for decades erupted in south-central Chile on Saturday, belching an ash cloud more than 6 miles (10 km) high that blew over the Andes and carpeted the resort in neighboring Argentina. The eruption in the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic chain, about 575 miles (920 km) south of the capital, Santiago, in Patagonia also prompted Chilean authorities to shut a heavily traveled border crossing into Argentina. Chile's government said it was evacuating 3,500 people from the surrounding area as a precaution. Officials said the volcano was spitting molten rock, but there was no visible lava flow. REUTERS/Patricio Rodriguez (ARGENTINA - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT IMAGES OF THE DAY)
Пепел вулкана Пуйеуэ в Чили
The front gate of a ranch covered in ash from Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano chain is seen in the mountain resort of San Martin de Los Andes in Argentina's Patagonia region June 6, 2011. A volcano dormant for decades erupted in south-central Chile on Saturday, belching an ash cloud more than 6 miles (10 km) high that blew over the Andes and carpeted the resort in neighboring Argentina. The eruption in the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic chain, about 575 miles (920 km) south of the capital, Santiago, in Patagonia also prompted Chilean authorities to shut a heavily traveled border crossing into Argentina. Chile's government said it was evacuating 3,500 people from the surrounding area as a precaution. Officials said the volcano was spitting molten rock, but there was no visible lava flow. REUTERS/Patricio Rodriguez (ARGENTINA - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT IMAGES OF THE DAY)
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