RIA Novosti launches the new English language newswire - РИА Новости, 07.06.2008
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RIA Novosti launches the new English language newswire

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The Russian News and Information Agency RIA Novosti is pleased to announce the launch of its new product – an English language newswire RIAN News Service.

September 22, 2005. Moscow

The Russian News and Information Agency RIA Novosti is pleased to announce the launch of its new product – an English language newswire RIAN News Service.

RIAN News Service is an English language newswire providing real-time coverage of the key events in politics, economy, business, sports, culture and other areas of interest in Russia, Baltics and the CIS.

“Market research conducted by RIA Novosti among foreign subscribers in March-April 2005 has revealed a great need for a high-quality English language news product, which will cover events in Russia, the Baltics and the CIS”, - noted General Director Svetlana Mironyuk.

On the basis of  demands made by RIA Novosti’s English speaking audience complete attention was paid to the speed, news selection and quality of translation our service provides.

As of January 1, 2006 the amount of RIAN News Service articles published on the web-site www.rian.ru will be significantly decreased.

Contact information: Natalia Varpetian, Public Relations manager
+7 (095) 981 65 15 n.varpetian@rian.ru

The Russian News and Information Agency RIA Novosti has a wide network of correspondents in Russia, the CIS and in over 40 other countries. RIA Novosti covers political, economic, business and social events in Russian, main European, Arab and Farsi languages 24 hours daily. Russian News and Information Agency RIA Novosti was established in 2004 on the ground of  RIA Novosti (1991), which in its turn originates from the Novosti Press Agency (1961) and Sovinformburo (1941).

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