Творческий процесс учеников Детской художественной школы №3 им. Ватагина
Creative process of pupils of Children's art school №3 it. Vatagina
Creative process of pupils of Children's art school №3 it. Vatagina
Творческий процесс учеников Детской художественной школы №3 им. Ватагина
Creative process of pupils of Children's art school №3 it. Vatagina
Creative process of pupils of Children's art school №3 it. Vatagina
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Творческий процесс учеников Детской художественной школы №3 им. Ватагина
Creative process of pupils of Children's art school №3 it. Vatagina
Creative process of pupils of Children's art school №3 it. Vatagina
Творческий процесс учеников Детской художественной школы №3 им. Ватагина
Creative process of pupils of Children's art school №3 it. Vatagina
Creative process of pupils of Children's art school №3 it. Vatagina
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Творческий процесс учеников Детской художественной школы №3 им. Ватагина
Creative process of pupils of Children's art school №3 it. Vatagina
Creative process of pupils of Children's art school №3 it. Vatagina
Творческий процесс учеников Детской художественной школы №3 им. Ватагина
Creative process of pupils of Children's art school №3 it. Vatagina
Creative process of pupils of Children's art school №3 it. Vatagina
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Викулова Аня, 14 лет, «Солдаты», пед Л.В.Поликашина.
Anya Vikulova, 14, “Soldiers,” teacher L. V. Polikashina.
Anya Vikulova, 14, “Soldiers,” teacher L. V. Polikashina.
Викулова Аня, 14 лет, «Солдаты», пед Л.В.Поликашина.
Anya Vikulova, 14, “Soldiers,” teacher L. V. Polikashina.
Anya Vikulova, 14, “Soldiers,” teacher L. V. Polikashina.
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Минаева Полина, 12 лет, «Медсестра», пед Ю.Д.Воронцов.
Polina Minayeva, 12, “A Nurse,” teacher Y. D. Vorontsov.
Polina Minayeva, 12, “A Nurse,” teacher Y. D. Vorontsov.
Минаева Полина, 12 лет, «Медсестра», пед Ю.Д.Воронцов.
Polina Minayeva, 12, “A Nurse,” teacher Y. D. Vorontsov.
Polina Minayeva, 12, “A Nurse,” teacher Y. D. Vorontsov.
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Аксёнова Софья, 13 лет, «Самара. Мой дед. Очередь за хлебом», пед Ю.Н.Бельчук Рассказ о голодном военном детстве ее деда (в годы войны он был маленьким мальчиком, которого автор изобразила на первом плане) потряс девочку, и она нарисовала проникновенную и трепетную работу.
Sofia Aksyonova, 13, “Samara. My Grandfather is Lining Up for Bread,” teacher Y. N. Belchuk. The girl was impressed by the story of her grandfather (in the foreground) who was a little boy during the war and she drew a moving picture.
Sofia Aksyonova, 13, “Samara. My Grandfather is Lining Up for Bread,” teacher Y. N. Belchuk. The girl was impressed by the story of her grandfather (in the foreground) who was a little boy during the war and she drew a moving picture.
Аксёнова Софья, 13 лет, «Самара. Мой дед. Очередь за хлебом», пед Ю.Н.Бельчук Рассказ о голодном военном детстве ее деда (в годы войны он был маленьким мальчиком, которого автор изобразила на первом плане) потряс девочку, и она нарисовала проникновенную и трепетную работу.
Sofia Aksyonova, 13, “Samara. My Grandfather is Lining Up for Bread,” teacher Y. N. Belchuk. The girl was impressed by the story of her grandfather (in the foreground) who was a little boy during the war and she drew a moving picture.
Sofia Aksyonova, 13, “Samara. My Grandfather is Lining Up for Bread,” teacher Y. N. Belchuk. The girl was impressed by the story of her grandfather (in the foreground) who was a little boy during the war and she drew a moving picture.
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Володина Анастасия, 15 лет, «Защитим» пед Ю,Н.Бельчук Это символическая фигура солдата-защитника Родины, который своей грудью закрывает женщин и детей.
Anastasia Volodina, 15, “Defending the Motherland,” teacher Y. N. Belchuk. A symbolic figure of a soldier defending women and children.
Anastasia Volodina, 15, “Defending the Motherland,” teacher Y. N. Belchuk. A symbolic figure of a soldier defending women and children.
Володина Анастасия, 15 лет, «Защитим» пед Ю,Н.Бельчук Это символическая фигура солдата-защитника Родины, который своей грудью закрывает женщин и детей.
Anastasia Volodina, 15, “Defending the Motherland,” teacher Y. N. Belchuk. A symbolic figure of a soldier defending women and children.
Anastasia Volodina, 15, “Defending the Motherland,” teacher Y. N. Belchuk. A symbolic figure of a soldier defending women and children.
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Калугина Люба, 17 лет, «Минуты отдыха», пед Ю.Н.Бельчук. Солдаты Красной Армии между боями на постое в деревенской избе. Пожилой гармонист играет русскую плясовую, под которую лихо отплясывает молоденький солдат.
Lyuba Kalugina, 17, “Moments of Rest,” teacher Y. N. Belchuk. Soldiers of the Red Army are taking a break in a village house after fighting. An elderly man is playing the accordion and a young soldier is dancing.
Lyuba Kalugina, 17, “Moments of Rest,” teacher Y. N. Belchuk. Soldiers of the Red Army are taking a break in a village house after fighting. An elderly man is playing the accordion and a young soldier is dancing.
Калугина Люба, 17 лет, «Минуты отдыха», пед Ю.Н.Бельчук. Солдаты Красной Армии между боями на постое в деревенской избе. Пожилой гармонист играет русскую плясовую, под которую лихо отплясывает молоденький солдат.
Lyuba Kalugina, 17, “Moments of Rest,” teacher Y. N. Belchuk. Soldiers of the Red Army are taking a break in a village house after fighting. An elderly man is playing the accordion and a young soldier is dancing.
Lyuba Kalugina, 17, “Moments of Rest,” teacher Y. N. Belchuk. Soldiers of the Red Army are taking a break in a village house after fighting. An elderly man is playing the accordion and a young soldier is dancing.
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Околелова Юля, 14 лет, «Весточка домой», пед. Л.В.Вахрамеева. Передышка между боями. Молодой офицер Красной Армии пишет письмо домой, его товарищ несет горячий котелок с походным обедом.
Yulya Okolelova, 14, “A Letter Home,” teacher Y. V. Vakhrameyeva. A young Red Army soldier is writing a letter home during a break in fighting and his fellow officer is carrying a pot with food.
Yulya Okolelova, 14, “A Letter Home,” teacher Y. V. Vakhrameyeva. A young Red Army soldier is writing a letter home during a break in fighting and his fellow officer is carrying a pot with food.
Околелова Юля, 14 лет, «Весточка домой», пед. Л.В.Вахрамеева. Передышка между боями. Молодой офицер Красной Армии пишет письмо домой, его товарищ несет горячий котелок с походным обедом.
Yulya Okolelova, 14, “A Letter Home,” teacher Y. V. Vakhrameyeva. A young Red Army soldier is writing a letter home during a break in fighting and his fellow officer is carrying a pot with food.
Yulya Okolelova, 14, “A Letter Home,” teacher Y. V. Vakhrameyeva. A young Red Army soldier is writing a letter home during a break in fighting and his fellow officer is carrying a pot with food.
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Исакова Саша, 14 лет, «Концерт для раненных бойцов», пед. Е.В.Вахрамеева. Во время войны на фронт нередко приезжали артисты. Они, рискуя жизнями, под грохот взрывов и раскаты орудий, пробирались на фронт, чтобы поднять боевой духа солдат. Существовало даже понятие «фронтовой театр».
Sasha Isakova, 14, “A Concert for Wounded Soldiers,” teacher Y.V. Vakhrameyeva. Artists often gave concerts on the battlefront. Traveling to the front was dangerous, but they went there to raise the troops’ morale. “A frontline theater” was a phenomenon in those days.
Sasha Isakova, 14, “A Concert for Wounded Soldiers,” teacher Y.V. Vakhrameyeva. Artists often gave concerts on the battlefront. Traveling to the front was dangerous, but they went there to raise the troops’ morale. “A frontline theater” was a phenomenon in those days.
Исакова Саша, 14 лет, «Концерт для раненных бойцов», пед. Е.В.Вахрамеева. Во время войны на фронт нередко приезжали артисты. Они, рискуя жизнями, под грохот взрывов и раскаты орудий, пробирались на фронт, чтобы поднять боевой духа солдат. Существовало даже понятие «фронтовой театр».
Sasha Isakova, 14, “A Concert for Wounded Soldiers,” teacher Y.V. Vakhrameyeva. Artists often gave concerts on the battlefront. Traveling to the front was dangerous, but they went there to raise the troops’ morale. “A frontline theater” was a phenomenon in those days.
Sasha Isakova, 14, “A Concert for Wounded Soldiers,” teacher Y.V. Vakhrameyeva. Artists often gave concerts on the battlefront. Traveling to the front was dangerous, but they went there to raise the troops’ morale. “A frontline theater” was a phenomenon in those days.
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Кондратьев Матвей, 13 лет, «Блокада Ленинграда», пед. И.В.Скворцова. Ленинград не зря называют городом-героем. Его жители испытали на себе все тяготы войны, осадного положения. Страшно зияют заклеенные крест на крест черные окна домов. Санки в те зимние дни были для людей единственном транспортом: на них доставляли воду и дрова, перевозили детей и стариков.
Matvei Kondratyev, 13, “The Leningrad Siege,” teacher I.V. Skvortsov. Leningrad is indeed a Hero City. Its residents endured all the hardships of war and siege. Black windows with strips of paper glued crosswise produced a depressing feeling. Sledges were the only transport used to move water, firewood and people.
Matvei Kondratyev, 13, “The Leningrad Siege,” teacher I.V. Skvortsov. Leningrad is indeed a Hero City. Its residents endured all the hardships of war and siege. Black windows with strips of paper glued crosswise produced a depressing feeling. Sledges were the only transport used to move water, firewood and people.
Кондратьев Матвей, 13 лет, «Блокада Ленинграда», пед. И.В.Скворцова. Ленинград не зря называют городом-героем. Его жители испытали на себе все тяготы войны, осадного положения. Страшно зияют заклеенные крест на крест черные окна домов. Санки в те зимние дни были для людей единственном транспортом: на них доставляли воду и дрова, перевозили детей и стариков.
Matvei Kondratyev, 13, “The Leningrad Siege,” teacher I.V. Skvortsov. Leningrad is indeed a Hero City. Its residents endured all the hardships of war and siege. Black windows with strips of paper glued crosswise produced a depressing feeling. Sledges were the only transport used to move water, firewood and people.
Matvei Kondratyev, 13, “The Leningrad Siege,” teacher I.V. Skvortsov. Leningrad is indeed a Hero City. Its residents endured all the hardships of war and siege. Black windows with strips of paper glued crosswise produced a depressing feeling. Sledges were the only transport used to move water, firewood and people.
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Казарьян Алена, 13 лет, «Пришел с фронта», пед. Ю.Д. Воронцов. Солдат вернулся с войны живым и невредимым. Нельзя описать радость семьи. «Возвращение» - так называлась картина художника В.Н.Кустецкого, написанная в 1947 г. и ставшая настоящим шедевром мирового искусства. Именно эта картина явилась прообразом работ многих юных художников.
Alyona Kazaryan, 13, “Back Home from the Battlefront,” teacher Y.D. Vorontsov. The soldier is back home alive and well, his family is overwhelmed with joy. In 1947, V.N. Kustetsky painted a picture called “The Return.” This masterpiece has since inspired many young painters.
Alyona Kazaryan, 13, “Back Home from the Battlefront,” teacher Y.D. Vorontsov. The soldier is back home alive and well, his family is overwhelmed with joy. In 1947, V.N. Kustetsky painted a picture called “The Return.” This masterpiece has since inspired many young painters.
Казарьян Алена, 13 лет, «Пришел с фронта», пед. Ю.Д. Воронцов. Солдат вернулся с войны живым и невредимым. Нельзя описать радость семьи. «Возвращение» - так называлась картина художника В.Н.Кустецкого, написанная в 1947 г. и ставшая настоящим шедевром мирового искусства. Именно эта картина явилась прообразом работ многих юных художников.
Alyona Kazaryan, 13, “Back Home from the Battlefront,” teacher Y.D. Vorontsov. The soldier is back home alive and well, his family is overwhelmed with joy. In 1947, V.N. Kustetsky painted a picture called “The Return.” This masterpiece has since inspired many young painters.
Alyona Kazaryan, 13, “Back Home from the Battlefront,” teacher Y.D. Vorontsov. The soldier is back home alive and well, his family is overwhelmed with joy. In 1947, V.N. Kustetsky painted a picture called “The Return.” This masterpiece has since inspired many young painters.
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Игнатова Света, 14 лет, «Город готовит оборону», пед. Л.В. Поликашина. Для защиты неба над городами использовались большие аэростаты.
Sveta Ignatova, 14, “The City Is Building Defense Lines,” teacher L.V. Polikashina. Huge stratospheric balloons were used to protect the city from enemy aircraft.
Sveta Ignatova, 14, “The City Is Building Defense Lines,” teacher L.V. Polikashina. Huge stratospheric balloons were used to protect the city from enemy aircraft.
Игнатова Света, 14 лет, «Город готовит оборону», пед. Л.В. Поликашина. Для защиты неба над городами использовались большие аэростаты.
Sveta Ignatova, 14, “The City Is Building Defense Lines,” teacher L.V. Polikashina. Huge stratospheric balloons were used to protect the city from enemy aircraft.
Sveta Ignatova, 14, “The City Is Building Defense Lines,” teacher L.V. Polikashina. Huge stratospheric balloons were used to protect the city from enemy aircraft.
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Володина Настя, 15 лет, «Летчики», пед. Ю.Н.Бельчук. Чудом спасшийся летчик несёт на себе раненного товарища.
Nastya Volodina, 15, “Pilots,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. A pilot who miraculously survived is carrying his wounded fellow crewman.
Nastya Volodina, 15, “Pilots,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. A pilot who miraculously survived is carrying his wounded fellow crewman.
Володина Настя, 15 лет, «Летчики», пед. Ю.Н.Бельчук. Чудом спасшийся летчик несёт на себе раненного товарища.
Nastya Volodina, 15, “Pilots,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. A pilot who miraculously survived is carrying his wounded fellow crewman.
Nastya Volodina, 15, “Pilots,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. A pilot who miraculously survived is carrying his wounded fellow crewman.
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Милашина Надя, 14 лет, «Война обрушилась внезапно», линогравюра, педагог .А.Ю.Новоселова и А.В. Ефимова. Автор так определяет сюжет своей работы: «Мирное утро города было взорвано еще до объявления войны налетом вражеских самолетов. Так начались для советских людей 4 года ада».
Nadya Milashina, 14, “War Broke Out All of a Sudden,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.Y. Novosyolova and A.V. Yefimova. A German air attack broke the peaceful morning in the city before the war was even declared. That was the start of the 4-year inferno for the Soviet people. This is how the author describes the theme of the picture.
Nadya Milashina, 14, “War Broke Out All of a Sudden,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.Y. Novosyolova and A.V. Yefimova. A German air attack broke the peaceful morning in the city before the war was even declared. That was the start of the 4-year inferno for the Soviet people. This is how the author describes the theme of the picture.
Милашина Надя, 14 лет, «Война обрушилась внезапно», линогравюра, педагог .А.Ю.Новоселова и А.В. Ефимова. Автор так определяет сюжет своей работы: «Мирное утро города было взорвано еще до объявления войны налетом вражеских самолетов. Так начались для советских людей 4 года ада».
Nadya Milashina, 14, “War Broke Out All of a Sudden,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.Y. Novosyolova and A.V. Yefimova. A German air attack broke the peaceful morning in the city before the war was even declared. That was the start of the 4-year inferno for the Soviet people. This is how the author describes the theme of the picture.
Nadya Milashina, 14, “War Broke Out All of a Sudden,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.Y. Novosyolova and A.V. Yefimova. A German air attack broke the peaceful morning in the city before the war was even declared. That was the start of the 4-year inferno for the Soviet people. This is how the author describes the theme of the picture.
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Запенина Полина, 14 лет, «Человек всегда человек», линогравюра педагог А.Ю. Новосёлова и А. В. Ефимова. В развалинах разрушенного дома солдат Красной Армии нашел ребенка, которого кормит с ложечки. Подвиг возможен не только на поле боя. Оставаться человеком даже в самые ужасные моменты жизни – это тоже подвиг.
Polina Zapenina, 14, “Soldiers Are Also Human,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.Y. Novosyolova, A.V. Yefimova. A soldier found a child in a ruined house and is feeding him with a spoon. Heroism is not only for battlefields. Being human in the most difficult, inhuman circumstances also requires heroism.
Polina Zapenina, 14, “Soldiers Are Also Human,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.Y. Novosyolova, A.V. Yefimova. A soldier found a child in a ruined house and is feeding him with a spoon. Heroism is not only for battlefields. Being human in the most difficult, inhuman circumstances also requires heroism.
Запенина Полина, 14 лет, «Человек всегда человек», линогравюра педагог А.Ю. Новосёлова и А. В. Ефимова. В развалинах разрушенного дома солдат Красной Армии нашел ребенка, которого кормит с ложечки. Подвиг возможен не только на поле боя. Оставаться человеком даже в самые ужасные моменты жизни – это тоже подвиг.
Polina Zapenina, 14, “Soldiers Are Also Human,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.Y. Novosyolova, A.V. Yefimova. A soldier found a child in a ruined house and is feeding him with a spoon. Heroism is not only for battlefields. Being human in the most difficult, inhuman circumstances also requires heroism.
Polina Zapenina, 14, “Soldiers Are Also Human,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.Y. Novosyolova, A.V. Yefimova. A soldier found a child in a ruined house and is feeding him with a spoon. Heroism is not only for battlefields. Being human in the most difficult, inhuman circumstances also requires heroism.
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Лебедева Ксюша, 13 лет, «Медсанбат. Между боями», линогравюра, педагог А.В.Ефимова и А.Ю.Новоселова. Редки передышки между боями. При тусклом свете керосиновой лампы медсёстры читают письма из дома.
Ksyusha Lebedeva, 13, “A Medical Unit. An Interval in Fighting,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.V. Yefimova, A.Y. Novosyolova. Intervals in fighting are rare. Nurses are reading letters from home, dimly lit by kerosene lamps.
Ksyusha Lebedeva, 13, “A Medical Unit. An Interval in Fighting,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.V. Yefimova, A.Y. Novosyolova. Intervals in fighting are rare. Nurses are reading letters from home, dimly lit by kerosene lamps.
Лебедева Ксюша, 13 лет, «Медсанбат. Между боями», линогравюра, педагог А.В.Ефимова и А.Ю.Новоселова. Редки передышки между боями. При тусклом свете керосиновой лампы медсёстры читают письма из дома.
Ksyusha Lebedeva, 13, “A Medical Unit. An Interval in Fighting,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.V. Yefimova, A.Y. Novosyolova. Intervals in fighting are rare. Nurses are reading letters from home, dimly lit by kerosene lamps.
Ksyusha Lebedeva, 13, “A Medical Unit. An Interval in Fighting,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.V. Yefimova, A.Y. Novosyolova. Intervals in fighting are rare. Nurses are reading letters from home, dimly lit by kerosene lamps.
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Блохина Аня, 14 лет, «Больше нет мамы», линогравюра, педагог А.В.Ефимова и А.Ю Новосёлова. На войне страшно всем, но особенно маленьким детям. После бомбежки эта девочка осталась одна. Такое не должно повториться!
Anya Blokhina, 14, “Without Mum,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.V. Yefimova, A.Y. Novosyolova. Everyone, particuarly little kids, are afraid of war. This girl has lost her mother in an air raid. Such tragedies must never repeat.
Anya Blokhina, 14, “Without Mum,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.V. Yefimova, A.Y. Novosyolova. Everyone, particuarly little kids, are afraid of war. This girl has lost her mother in an air raid. Such tragedies must never repeat.
Блохина Аня, 14 лет, «Больше нет мамы», линогравюра, педагог А.В.Ефимова и А.Ю Новосёлова. На войне страшно всем, но особенно маленьким детям. После бомбежки эта девочка осталась одна. Такое не должно повториться!
Anya Blokhina, 14, “Without Mum,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.V. Yefimova, A.Y. Novosyolova. Everyone, particuarly little kids, are afraid of war. This girl has lost her mother in an air raid. Such tragedies must never repeat.
Anya Blokhina, 14, “Without Mum,” a linoleum printing, teachers A.V. Yefimova, A.Y. Novosyolova. Everyone, particuarly little kids, are afraid of war. This girl has lost her mother in an air raid. Such tragedies must never repeat.
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Калугина Люба, 14 лет, «Госпиталь», педагог Ю.Н.Бельчук. Палата госпиталя. Здесь и тяжелораненые, и идущие на поправку, и заботливо ухаживающие за бойцами медсестры. Больше всех повезло молодому солдату, которому в госпиталь пришло письмо из дома.
Lyuba Kalugina, 14, “A Hospital,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. A hospital ward. Seriously wounded soldiers, those on the mend, and caring nurses are depicted in the picture. A young soldier is lucky to have received a letter from home.
Lyuba Kalugina, 14, “A Hospital,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. A hospital ward. Seriously wounded soldiers, those on the mend, and caring nurses are depicted in the picture. A young soldier is lucky to have received a letter from home.
Калугина Люба, 14 лет, «Госпиталь», педагог Ю.Н.Бельчук. Палата госпиталя. Здесь и тяжелораненые, и идущие на поправку, и заботливо ухаживающие за бойцами медсестры. Больше всех повезло молодому солдату, которому в госпиталь пришло письмо из дома.
Lyuba Kalugina, 14, “A Hospital,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. A hospital ward. Seriously wounded soldiers, those on the mend, and caring nurses are depicted in the picture. A young soldier is lucky to have received a letter from home.
Lyuba Kalugina, 14, “A Hospital,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. A hospital ward. Seriously wounded soldiers, those on the mend, and caring nurses are depicted in the picture. A young soldier is lucky to have received a letter from home.
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Росамахо Кристина, 13лет, «Благодарность», педагог Ю.Н Бельчук. В современной России существует традиция: жених и невеста в день свадьбы возлагают цветы к памятникам героям Великой отечественной войны. Память о людях, отдавших жизнь ради нашего будущего, будет всегда жива.
Kristina Rosamakho, 13, “Gratefulness,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. There is a tradition in modern-day Russia that on their wedding day, the young couple lays flowers to the monuments to World War II heroes. People who gave their lives for our happy future will always be remembered and paid tribute to.
Kristina Rosamakho, 13, “Gratefulness,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. There is a tradition in modern-day Russia that on their wedding day, the young couple lays flowers to the monuments to World War II heroes. People who gave their lives for our happy future will always be remembered and paid tribute to.
Росамахо Кристина, 13лет, «Благодарность», педагог Ю.Н Бельчук. В современной России существует традиция: жених и невеста в день свадьбы возлагают цветы к памятникам героям Великой отечественной войны. Память о людях, отдавших жизнь ради нашего будущего, будет всегда жива.
Kristina Rosamakho, 13, “Gratefulness,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. There is a tradition in modern-day Russia that on their wedding day, the young couple lays flowers to the monuments to World War II heroes. People who gave their lives for our happy future will always be remembered and paid tribute to.
Kristina Rosamakho, 13, “Gratefulness,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. There is a tradition in modern-day Russia that on their wedding day, the young couple lays flowers to the monuments to World War II heroes. People who gave their lives for our happy future will always be remembered and paid tribute to.
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Зенкина Катя, 16 лет, «Служили два товарища», педагог. Е.В. Вахрамеева. Боец под обстрелом выносит с поля боя своего раненого друга.
11. Katya Zenkina, 16, “Two Comrades-in-Arms,” teacher Y.V. Vakhrameyeva. A soldier is carrying his wounded friend under enemy fire.
11. Katya Zenkina, 16, “Two Comrades-in-Arms,” teacher Y.V. Vakhrameyeva. A soldier is carrying his wounded friend under enemy fire.
Зенкина Катя, 16 лет, «Служили два товарища», педагог. Е.В. Вахрамеева. Боец под обстрелом выносит с поля боя своего раненого друга.
11. Katya Zenkina, 16, “Two Comrades-in-Arms,” teacher Y.V. Vakhrameyeva. A soldier is carrying his wounded friend under enemy fire.
11. Katya Zenkina, 16, “Two Comrades-in-Arms,” teacher Y.V. Vakhrameyeva. A soldier is carrying his wounded friend under enemy fire.
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Скачкова Елена, 14 лет, «Страх. Захват города» педагог Ю.Н.Бельчук. В маленький городок въезжают захватчики. Женщина с маленьким ребёнком на руках прячется от врагов.
7. Yelena Skachkova, 14, “Fear. The City’s Seizure,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. The Nazis are entering the city. A woman with her baby is trying to hide from them.
7. Yelena Skachkova, 14, “Fear. The City’s Seizure,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. The Nazis are entering the city. A woman with her baby is trying to hide from them.
Скачкова Елена, 14 лет, «Страх. Захват города» педагог Ю.Н.Бельчук. В маленький городок въезжают захватчики. Женщина с маленьким ребёнком на руках прячется от врагов.
7. Yelena Skachkova, 14, “Fear. The City’s Seizure,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. The Nazis are entering the city. A woman with her baby is trying to hide from them.
7. Yelena Skachkova, 14, “Fear. The City’s Seizure,” teacher Y.N. Belchuk. The Nazis are entering the city. A woman with her baby is trying to hide from them.
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Захарова Аня, 13 лет, «Друг солдата», педагог И.К.Янова. В годы войны санитарам помогали и собаки.
6. Anya Zakharova, 13, “The Soldier’s Friend,” teacher I.K. Yanova. Dogs helped nurses during WWII
6. Anya Zakharova, 13, “The Soldier’s Friend,” teacher I.K. Yanova. Dogs helped nurses during WWII
Захарова Аня, 13 лет, «Друг солдата», педагог И.К.Янова. В годы войны санитарам помогали и собаки.
6. Anya Zakharova, 13, “The Soldier’s Friend,” teacher I.K. Yanova. Dogs helped nurses during WWII
6. Anya Zakharova, 13, “The Soldier’s Friend,” teacher I.K. Yanova. Dogs helped nurses during WWII
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